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* http://www.cjketaminestore.com/


A complete scammer – Carlos Jones 812-727-5011

Feel free to text this sorry waste of flesh.


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4 responses to “http://www.cjketaminestore.com/”

  1. PT says:

    It a big scam! Do Not Order from them!

    They have have you send money to Cameroon in Africa then never hear from them again.

  2. Trav says:

    They took my money and then stopped responding to messages. For a week they respond to every message then as soon as they have your money you will no longer hear from them

  3. Leslie says:

    The above is true. They also say customs has your package and unless you pay thousands of dollars you will be put in jail.

  4. Your MamnaNow says:

    Yes this guy is a scammer. My friend dsid
    buy a certain amount of ketamine he says on his website he’ll ship it to you FedEx/USPS. Then you get an email from Swift cargo stating that you need to purchase insurance and a discreet shipping stamps I need three of them that add up to $320. Then they say you need a discrete shippers license for 850 they tell you you only have to do it one time and then you can ship without hassle but I told them no just refund my money multiple times but then I thought maybe I’m being paranoid but you know what no I didn’t get anything. And Carlos he doesn’t do anything either he just lets you get hustled he acts like he’s doing something behind the scenes to get your package back get you refunded like real Merchant should but no he’s just there to take your money and make you think he’s doing something. By the time you read this there’s a good chance you’ve already been ripped off

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