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* Little Playland Can’t be Trusted–A SCAM for sure

I purchased an item from Little Playland (billed as Stormedia) on MAY 8, 2018. It is now JULY 16th and I have yet to receive the item. I’ve had daily email contact with them, sometimes multiple times/day and I just keep getting that the product is “in transit”. Now I don’t know about you but even if a product was being made and shipped from the other side of the world I’ve never known it to take 68 DAYS to arrive.
All the company will say is that it is “in transit”. Even after I asked for a refund they send another “shipping notice” on June 6 and refuse to refund my money. They even reported me for “not doing any business with them” after a left an unfavorable report on a review site. I have all of the documentation and was very pleased to send to the review site so they were lying again!

DO NOT do business with this merchant. They are not legit, not ethical and a total scam. Many, many review sites explain the exact same experience I have had with them.


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