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* Lawyer Nicholas Balland, Arlington, Virginia

This bozo criminal lawyer said that he can bribery all the judges and public attorneys in Arlington County, he ask me for 25000 dollars and he took the money and disappeared I went to his luxury office in Court House and he denied this action I took pictures and recorded conversations., also I get in shock he was arrested for the same problem twice in Stafford County Plus has many allegations for indecent exposure to minors. If you see this criminal lawyer please call the police


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2 responses to “Lawyer Nicholas Balland, Arlington, Virginia”

  1. Daniel Villarino OAS says:

    his bozo criminal lawyer said that he can bribery all the judges and public attorneys in Arlington County, he ask me for 25000 dollars and he took the money and disappeared I went to his luxury office in Court House and he denied this action I took pictures and recorded conversations., also I get in shock he was arrested for the same problem twice in Stafford County Plus has many allegations for indecent exposure to minors. If you see this criminal lawyer please call the police

  2. Daniel Villarino OAS says:

    his bozo criminal lawyer said that he can bribery all the judges and public attorneys in Arlington County, he ask me for 25000 dollars and he took the money and disappeared I went to his luxury office in Court House and he denied this action I took pictures and recorded conversations., also I get in shock he was arrested for the same problem twice in Stafford County Plus has many allegations for indecent exposure to minors. If you see this criminal lawyer please call the police, please call the police

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