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* 2014 Club Car Precedent Golf Cart


We relocated to Wichita, Kansas with my job because I was promoted. We sold the property and won’t need it at new home so my wife keeps bugging me to get rid of it. If you have the funds to buy the golf cart I can assist you with the delivery without any other fees because I have a contract with Amazon Payments that includes free delivery US wide. The golf cart will come with 2 sets of keys and the owner’s manuals. I will overnight the title and the bill of sale to you. Using Amazon Payments will also offer you the chance to have the golf cart inspected for 5 business days before you decide to keep it or not. If for any reason the cart will not meet your demands you can have it returned and receive a full refund but I’m sure it won’t be the case knowing the condition of the golf cart.
If you’re ready to move forward please include in the next e-mail your name, your delivery address and also a good phone number where I can reach you so we can settle the rest of the details.
I’m looking forward to hearing from you!

PS: Attached you’ll find more photos. And charger is also included.

Thank you for your interest in my 2014 Club Car Precedent golf cart. The golf cart has a clean title, strong 48v electric powered by six 8v batteries, no scratches or dents and it looks and runs like new. Has brand new street legal light package, brand new chrome wheel covers,windshield, brand new high speed code 4, with updated MCOR throttle controller. Runs with 24 mp/h .
If you have any other questions or you need more pictures just let me know and I will get back you shortly.
The price that I’m looking to get for it is $1,500.

Thank you!

Chuck Gaffney
Senior Principal Geotechnical Engineer
Geotechnical Engineering
GeoEngineers – We find a better way


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