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* Shimick Construction job scam

Good Day,

Welcome to Shimmick Construction Limited. We have received your resume for the application to our Ad posted on your local newspaper and the Job Network On-line regarding a Office Assistant Specialist Position currently available. If you are receiving this email, your resume has been reviewed and short listed to take the job after careful consideration. Below is a detailed description of the job position. Go through the description carefully and respond as required.

You will be under general supervision from the Company’s HR and Office Manager. This is temporarily a telecommute and work from home position pending the set up of a local office close to you. You will receive weekly salary and also compensation and bonus package depending on the type of task you perform. Below is a detailed yet summarized description of your duties as well as the information required from you before being approved by the management. And we would like to know if you are competent enough to carry out the mentioned activities below. If you are capable of doing these tasks, do not hesitate to let us know.

Summarized Description:

Job Title: Office Assistant Specialist
Job Type: Part-Time / Full-Time
Salary: $17 – 25/ HR
Bonus: $50 (sign on), Overtime
Benefits: Health care
Job Location: Work-From-Home / Home Office



As a Office Assistant Specialist you would update, maintain and retrieve information held on computer systems. You would also transfer information that is on paper to computer files. So if you enjoy working with computers and can type quickly this job could be ideal for you. You will need to have good maths and English skills. You’ll be able to work quickly and accurately, and pay attention to details. You’ll also have excellent customer service skills. You will also probably need a basic knowledge of word processing, spreadsheets and databases, file management, e-mail and the internet. At least three year’s relevant and acceptable work experience in an Administrative /Office work environment.you are required to maintain the company’s financial records such as income and expenses. The main responsibility as our Operations Specialist clerk may vary from handling specific tasks or maintaining an entire company’s books. Most of your duties are performed on a computer, and many use financial software to manage company records.


– entering personal details of customers/clients
– entering information for classified company transactions
– transferring paper-based market research results
– processing sales invoices

You are also required to record financial transactions such as bill payments and payroll, and may also prepare reports and summaries for supervisors and managers. You will prepare bank deposits using data from a company’s cash receipts, checks and any other financial transactions. You may also monitor loans and other accounts to ensure payments are current.

Entry requirements

You do not always need qualifications to work as a data entry clerk, although we prefer you to have a minimum of a High School diploma
You will need a basic knowledge of word processing, spreadsheets and databases. You would normally be tested for keyboard skills and accuracy in entering data. We will provide training on their data entry systems when you start work.

Skills, interests and qualities

– good computer skills
– the ability to work in a busy environment
– good maths and English skills
– excellent customer service skills
– an understanding of data confidentiality issues
– the ability to work quickly and accurately, and pay attention to detail
– an awareness of health and safety issues.

Other important information

Full-time jobs are normally 30 to 35 hours a week. Part-time work and temporary jobs are often available with lesser hours.

Job Location:

You would be based at a computer workstation, We will provide you with a functional and fully equipped Home Office.

Please email back immediately stating interest and a follow up will be made promptly.

Welcome to the Family.

Thank you.
Jones Alexander
Hiring Manager
Shimmick Construction
(520) 500 5976



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One response to “Shimick Construction job scam”

  1. Kim says:

    I got one!! crazy world we live in!!Thank you ScamRadar!

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