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* Chemistryorg.com is a scam

They refuse to honor their guarantee.
When the product disappears in shipping they refuse to back up their guarantee.
Crooked. avoid these crooks at all cost.


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One response to “Chemistryorg.com is a scam”

  1. Lily Chung says:

    Am Lily from chemistryorg, this is impossible we reship or refound your money if packet lost, i tried to find john smith in our database but i din’t, can you please provide your real name so i can find your case and publish it here so people know the true? Also why you put a link that send to our website , because you want this coment to be strong and show first in search results? This never do a normal client who just want to place a bad review and have problem with us, this do a person with knowledge of digital marketing who want to harm our legitimacy. But am still waiting your real details.

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