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* from craig coleman…. sounded too good to be true on craigs list


Thank you for your interest in my 2013 EZGO golf cart. The golf cart has a clean title, strong 48v electric powered by six 8v batteries, no scratches or dents and it looks and runs like new. Has brand new street legal light package, brand new chrome wheel covers,windshield, brand new high speed code 4, with updated MCOR throttle controller. Runs with 24 mp/h .
If you have any other questions or you need more pictures just let me know and I will get back you shortly.
The price that I’m looking to get for it is $1,500.

Thank you!

Craig Coleman
I&E Technician
Phillips 66 Measurement


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One response to “from craig coleman…. sounded too good to be true on craigs list”

  1. Nick says:

    I received a similar email response from a Craigslist inquiry.



    Thank you for your interest in my 2014 Scag Cheetah 52″. The scag can go 11mph, has 10 gallon fuel capacity(dual tanks), no scratches or dents and it looks like new. Fill up in the morning and cut all day long. The Operator Suspension System isolates the operator platform via a coil-over shock and provides additional comfort via rubber iso-mounts. The oil has just been changed, the mower comes with the mulching kit already installed. The mower has only 230 hours on it. Has the 23.5 hp Kawasaki engine.
    If you have any other questions or you need more pictures just let me know and I will get back you shortly.
    The price that I’m looking to get for it is $1,500.

    Thank you!

    Craig Coleman
    I&E Technician
    Phillips 66 Measurement

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