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* AdCash Traffic Fraud – Stay Away

AdCash claims that their ad network is 93.5% clean from fraud. After several tests from 3 different accounts, we have found that 40% of the traffic was coming from bots through a couple hundred IPs.

As AdCash states, they actually care and take fraud seriously. When we asked them to block the fraudulent IPs through the account, they declined. They have no means of blocking IPs in their self serve platform and they have no option to do it themselves which is extremely ironic since blocking IPs is one of the most important features an ad network should provide in order to combat fraud. AdCash is aware of the fraud, and like many other ad netwokrs, turns a blind eye cos if they don’t they would lose so much revenue.

Bottom line.
– They are not what they claim to be
– They don’t do what they claim to do
– They are in no way taking fraud seriously
– They refuse to offer basic fraud protection to maximize thier profits



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