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* Vehicle Services Department

A pink, or another colored paper letter stating the warranty of your vehicle is expired. The letter uses threatening language like “Act immediately, ” by neglecting to replace your coverage you will be at risk of being financially liable for any and all repairs after your factory warranty expires.” What’s funny is I do not own a vehicle. I drive my boyfriends car, and my name is no where on the title or loan for the vehicle.

I got the same exact type of letters but they aren’t for a car warranty, it was for student loan consolidation programs. Same colored paper, same exact address and language. There is no official logo on these letters. This company is a bunch of scammers. Please do not fall for this scam! Just google the address on the letter if you receive one and you will see hundreds and hundreds of complaints all saying the same things. The BBB gave them a terrible review. They are scammers. Don’t fall for this!


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60 responses to “Vehicle Services Department”

  1. NYC says:

    Scumsucking SCAM. My elderly mother-in-law is getting menacing looking notices from these clowns, telling her to call: 877-413-6377 and that her vehicle coverage is about to run out (she hasn’t owned a car in decades). The flip side of the fake notice is made up like an ‘invoice’ showing sample auto repairs totaling over $12,000. These losers are attempting to prey on the elderly and anyone who is not smart enough to know a scam when they see one…

  2. Martha says:

    I received the same notice for my daughter from a “FAKE” Dept. Of Auto. Records. My daughter does not own a car, neither does she have a driver’s license. The letter had no return address, so that was a “RED FLAG” for me. However; it did have a phone number. (1-877-413-6377) I googled it and this is what I found. I “hate” when “SCAMMERS” try to “GET OVER” on others’. “SUCKERS”!!! You Got HAD!!!!

  3. Kaze says:

    My elderly parents received the same notice. It upset them horribly until I suggested it was a scam and confirmed it. Then they got furious, as did I.

  4. Kat says:

    I keep getting these letters after obtaining a brand new car last year…I have full coverage and all the bells and whistles that come with a new car, these people do not listen to you when you call them to tell them to stop with the letters, 2 days after one call I got another letter…

  5. MOW-Dallas says:

    Recd. 5-2-18 unsigned letter with no address relating to auto warranty service from VEHICLE SERVICES DEPARTMENT. Requested to call 1-800-986-5098. Searched internet to vet and they have numerous “Scam” and rip off complaint reports. DO NOT PATRONIZE, contact your auto dealer at place of purchase. Their wordage deliberatly misleading by omissions.

  6. Christy says:

    I received the same Notice dated 05/09/2018. with a Vehicle Code/Serial Barcode Number of A638904152. Requested call number was 1-800-986-5098

  7. Patricia McDermott says:

    got the same letter today! morons! they should be in jail!

  8. Tk says:

    My wife just received the same exact notice and we buy all our cars used and paid for so there are never any warranties so this is definitely a scam

  9. Lee says:

    My college age daughter gets this almost every month and doesn’t own a car, and if she did our family repair shop would fix it!!

    How do we stop it?

  10. Wendy Dote says:

    A complete SCAM!!!

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