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* Westone Recruit, Westone Temps, Cristina Esposito

Westone Recruit, having also westonetemps.co.uk is a so called recruitment company for hospitality and catering, posing with an address in the heart of Trafalgar Sq. (most probably office space rented by hour). The Westone agency, more specifically Cristina Esposito (Westone Temps consultant), promises chef jobs in a “Knightsbridge restaurant” that turns out to be Harrods – right away (without the usual recruiting process, it denies you a phone call with the head chef of the future job, instead it sends your CV modified according with her own desire, but announce you only after sending the mutant CV to the employer: you will discover that your CV has all of a sudden “Westone 1 month experience” and other additional ‘skills’ added to the work experience). To be noted, in the initial discussion, this so called recruiting consultant takes care to remind you how awesome they are because “they are not asking money from the applicant” (??). When asked how on earth she had guts to modify your CV without your approval, Miss Esposito throws tantrums and tries to imply that you are a lowly not understanding the manners of a such high-class recruiter (haha). Judge for yourselves. Watch out where your CV, in a mutated form reaches out and how this can deny you future applications in that place.


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