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To WHom It may concern;


I am Bernadette, Singapore. I am presently a victim of illegal money lenders here in Singapore. All my savings were being stolen by these evil people. I don’t know how can I solve my problems. They keep on collecting money from me more than the said principal. I am so worried, depressed and scared all the time. They even scold me, shout on me w/o any valid reasons. WHen I check the anti-loan sharks website in Singapore, I saw a very good testimony that inspires people that there are still people who have a good heart to help. SO i tried, PLAIN GREEN ([email protected]). I applied for a $3,000 loan so they approved it. They asked me to send $150sgd as an acceptance fee so that my loan will be preceeded and so I did. I was so eager to receive help from good peole. AFter I transfer the money, they asked me to pay another $130 for the barrister to sign in my behalf because I cannot go theit country. I refused to pay them. Here is the name of that company. AKHIDENOR ENDURANCE. They received my 22,586.70 nigerian naira. They never get back to me. He is trying to be nice to help me again only if i pay the remaining $130sgd. So, I decided to stop and I believed it is a scam. It is a very good conversation which leads to disaster. I hope you can help me with this.


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