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* badoo scammers

I met 2 men on Badoo David Smith Edmonds told me he was in Navy and stationed in NIgeria, This went on for quite sometime gave him money opened bank accts for him, cashed wired transfers all to find out he was a scammer and working with someone in NY named Ana Edmonds who chatted me up and became very friendly with me. I I finally realized it was all a scam I posted it on her facebook. She very Quickly took all her sites down. She doesn’t realize I still have her address and where she works I looked it up before she took it all down. The last straw was a check that was sent to me from a company in Atlanta that they had hacked into and sent to me that was a fake it was missed spelled and a poor fake check. I called the bank right away and informed them that this check was sent to and they cancelled the companies acct. He got $5000 from me and I still owe the bank money for the fake wire transfer.The second guy I just met in February he was from Brooklyn but had to go Qatar for business once there he broke his phone and computer and got mugged and needed $800 to come home, I knew right away he was a scammer His name is Steven Paul Ferguson, he also goes by Paul Roman and paul ferguson. He is back in the US so he must have gotten some other woman bring him back thst the US but he is a scammer too. I have a alert site on my phone, and this woman posted a text from this guy that was word for word the same one I had received. These men were from Badoo there were 2 other men I met but I knew right away they were scammers, there English is from the same country, they all sound the same


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One response to “badoo scammers”

  1. Ellen says:

    I have a friend who has gotten involved with a man claiming his name is Paul Ferguson. He says he is English and he uses a google phone I cannot trace. Do you have a picture of this guy. She is sending him money. Please respond

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