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* Carding Mafia.ws / Carding Forum / SCAM ALERT !! March 2016

Anyone considering the carding forum “Carding Mafia.ws” should seriously steer clear of the entire site. It is a site maintained by Adeel Arshad of Pakistan and the site serves no other purpose than to lure unsuspecting buyers into deals for electronics, WU transfers, bank transfers, Pay Pal transfers, hacking tutorals, etc. “services which never materialize once you send him payment via Perfect Money or Bit Coin.” Once he has your payment he will end all communication with you on yahoo messenger and he will edit your Carding Mafia login details so that you cannot access your account and warn other users. On the CM site, Adeel Arshad goes by the following; Carding Admin, The King, Cm.BigBoss on yahoo messenger. All positive customer feed back on the site is generated by Adeel once he locks the registered users account after a bogus “take the bit coin and run deal.” The site is very convincing and I admit “that I was a victim” and I rarely fall for anything. So the saying goes “if it seems too good to be true, it most definitely is” on the site; carding mafia.ws I am $500.00 the wiser but I knew that I was taking a chance before I hit that send payment tab. Steer clear of this site Carding Mafia and regardless of it’s appearance there is only one site admin and moderator [Adeel Arshad] and the rest are unsuspecting victims. A fox in the hen house and if the US nuked Pakistan “I wouldn’t shed a tear.”


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