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* Don’t Rent Nature’s Nest VI From Maje Brennan!

Maje Brennan, whose real name is Marion Browning-Baker and who currently goes by another alias of Ella Quinn, bought this house on Lovenlund in Charlotte Amalie of St. Thomas with money she literally STOLE from our military service members over a period of about 20 years. If you ask how that can possibly be, then read on.

Browning-Baker was a former Army JAG lawyer who was kicked out in the early 1990’s. She then opened a family law practice out of a small apartment in Stuttgart, Germany and focused only on military active duty, family members, and DoD civilians who were based in Europe. She has since been disbarred by Georgia where she was licensed. You can read this on the Georgia State Bar website.

Her “law practice” was NOT a law practice at all but a total scam. For 20 years, 1992–2012, she literally stole as much as she could from anyone that was willing to be her client. She billed for work which she never did, also billed for work which other supposedly-hired lawyers by her did (who the client was not allowed to contact in any way), and kept cases going on for years while billing clients monthly from their credit cards. There were several cases where Browning-Baker even told clients, who gave their entire savings to her just to get divorced, that they should even take out a loan to continue paying her – as she pushed even the simplest case out for as many years as she possibly could.

In some cases, that was over $50,000 per person (just for relatively easy divorces that would have been a few thousand at most) as we now have a network of 100+ of her previous clients and have all shared the information. Let’s say that there are a lot of people now who are really really mad. She bought this very expensive house and ocean view property in the Virgin Islands (Nature’s Nest VI) only with that stolen money. After all, EVERY CLIENT, and not just a few, was ripped off. Best estimate is that this was in the millions of dollars and we could not find all of her clients either but we are still trying.

But it even gets better. According to another lawyer who contacted her, Browning-Baker BRAGGED how for those 20 years that she never paid any taxes to either the German, US, or Virgin Island governments by juggling 3-way residences. We reported her to the German feds. She then fled Germany literally overnight when they went after her. We also reported her to the Virgin Island tax authorities too. We assume that is why she physically left there and now rents out the property instead.

Now, as “Maje Brennan” which is her new legal name and as a “Vacation Rental Owner” (see Facebook and LinkedIn as she now was never even a lawyer or went to law school), she lives and hides on a sailboat in the Norfolk area with her retired Army sergeant husband “Tom” (which is not even his real name either as it is Wendell Baker but Tom is what he is called on her website). She thinks that using a mail drop, changing her name, and living on a sailboat will protect her from a class-action suit but it won’t. We are going for – and will get – everything they both have plus her husband’s future US Army retirement checks.

So don’t rent this place as it was bought with totally dirty money from our dedicated men and women who served this country in the armed forces.


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