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* Nicholas A. Balland Scam Lawyer Arlington VA

i get surprise that this lawyer has criminal record
has many criminal charges and civil
minor advance
bribe Arlington Judges
bribe Arlington Police
has civil charges in many counties for grand larceny
thanks God i pay him only 2500 dollars for a DWI case
and he did not do anything about it
please i am a retired Afghan war
i can not walk
and suffer a terminal cancer
i need help
if you see this lawyer please call the police ASAP
God will be thank you


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4 responses to “Nicholas A. Balland Scam Lawyer Arlington VA”

  1. Ruben A. Farje says:

    I make petitions, please sign in FB for his arrest, this lawyer Nicholas Balland from Arlington VA (office in Clarendon Boulevard) has record for indecent exposure to minors please call the police, in Arlington county we have a petition for his immediate arrest.

  2. Mrs. Johana Duncan says:

    please police do something about this person, Nicholas Balland must be again in Jail, he was convicted for indecent exposure to minors, please call Arlington Police VA

  3. Mrs. Riana Barlie says:

    my husband hire this bozo clown we pay him 4000 dollars and till now he is in the middle of nothing, i learn that he has many complaints with minors, i think he has some connections with other lawyers in Washington DC or Arlington and lure minors, please arrest him, he was in jail last year for 8 months

  4. Mrs. Johana Duncan says:

    look at the internet a lot of complaints, he was in jail in fairfax county, for indecent exposure to minors, sex offender register,

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