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* Nicholas A. Balland – Scammer – Arlington, Virginia

Nicholas A. Balland a prick lawyer from Arlington, Virginia he has a nice office in Clarendon Boulevard, he lure the people and promise many things, i discover that he has many criminal charges, underage minor advances, rape, bribe judges, he was in fairfax jail, he is in probation, i gave to him more than 10,000 dollars and he disappears, all my saving, please do not do not hire this scam lawyer, very dangerous, he is like clown, dye his hair and look for evade the law in many counties, please if you contact him call asap the police.


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9 responses to “Nicholas A. Balland – Scammer – Arlington, Virginia”

  1. ruben a farje says:

    somebody is using my name to incriminate a lawyer. i am a lawyer myself. please take out this from the web. otherwise i will take legal action.

  2. Charles Ngyeng says:

    this guy is a professional pervert, has some complaints with indecent exposure with minors, there are some corrupt lawyers who defend this corrupt lawyers, the FBI are investigating this man and his gang lawyer group, any additional information please call to the Arlington FBI

  3. Eduardo says:

    this bozo with his dye hair must be on jail, he is a scammer and member of a child molester gang in several counties, he is under federal investigation, do not hire this scammer, he was on jail in January 2015 and 2014 for grand larceny
    call arlington police, stafford police, fairfax police asap

  4. Daniel Vilarino says:

    Glad Nicholas Balland from Arlington County is in jail many parents make a petition to Obama Administration for the arrest of this corrupt rape minor lawyer

  5. Jorge Matienso says:

    Thanks for this note i will call the police

  6. Jorge Matienso says:

    The worst lawyer of arlington county bewsre of this lawyer he took me mire than 25000 dollars he put in jail his own mother and son everything about money he rape his own son

  7. Ruben Farje says:

    Nick Balland aka Prick aka bozo aka greenpervert hope he back to jail again, a professional scammer , rape minors and was in jail for indedecent exposure call the police asap

  8. Matt Muggeridge says:

    this lawyer is a total prick, many complaints, he stayed in Stafford Jail, he promise to bribery judges and lawyers in Stafford and Arlington County, total dishonest lawyer, he must be on jail forever

  9. Matt Muggeridge says:

    this lawyer is a total prick, many complaints, he stayed in Stafford Jail, he promises to bribery judges and lawyers in Stafford and Arlington County, total dishonest lawyer, he must be on jail forever

    call the police

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