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* Kmillz 50 yr old male on Badoo is a Scammer

I never thought I would see this jerk again. His name was Jrry on Twoo.com when I met him. He played it off as if he was in the Military. Now, 14 months later I’m chatting on Badoo..and who do I get a message from? I couldn’t see the small pic too well on my cell through my email..then clicked on it and he has a new screen name and new age. Still has a son but now older. He said he was in Oregon before ..now he says he is in Boston, MA…Has only few picsHis new name in here is Kmillz..PLEASE BEWARE…He is a Romance Scammer. On Twoo..he got my lonely bum thinking he was gonna come see me WA..needless to say he did a good job convincing me he needed money to pay for forms to go on leave.As soon as I seen his pic on Badoo I Knew it was him. Wish there was a person to report him directly on the site. I would like to see him face a lot of jail time!!!


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