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* Funds transfer transaction.

I’m in Kenya and for a year now I’ve been trying to transfer 3.7 million GBP from my account in Maybank at Careceo in Malaysia with a great trouble.I started by paying for activating the dormant account,conversion cost,cost of transfer code, non-residential tax code .money laundry clearance certficate code.after which the now online account was deactivated and I was asked to reactivate it,I did All the payments I make thro western union to reach the account officer a Mr Silva Kumarwho is the only person I commucating with.. The bank’s e-mail is [email protected] Please help me out of this trouble. They’ve dried me! Thanks.


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3 responses to “Funds transfer transaction.”

  1. Gerald Magu Macharia says:

    I would nlike to know the result of your investigation in Maybank careceo after reporting to you a case of a scam because l get threats from the account officer.

  2. Gerald Magu Macharia says:

    I received an email from the account officer of my account in Maybank asking me to send my postal address so as to send the FCC funds two months ago and not yet.please find for me what could be the cause of the delay.

  3. AMUONO ONDORO says:

    Oh! Mr. Gerald, I was once tricked to activate dormant account of someones late husband with 8000 GBP and the so called Silva Kumar called me informing me that they have received consent allowing me to be full ownership of the money to be transferred to my account in Kenya.
    I sensed danger and stopped.

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