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* Loan scam…Daniel Belley Lending ( DBL) finance services, St. paul MN 55102

We were looking for a company which we could obtain a small loan for a real estate investment we found. Daniel Belley contact us by email and stated that we need to fill out a loan application, which we did. He sent us a contract which listed the loan agreement, such as the loan amount, how long the loan was to last and how the loan was to be paid back, how much interested the company would be paid, there is no mention of any type of fees.
Daniel Belley said that we were approved for the loan but we had to pay a fee, which we wired over to him. He again said that we would get the loan but there was another fee we had to wire over to him. We again wired over the fee amount. He said he guaranteed we had the loan but we had to wire over to him yet another fee. We said no we were not going to send any more monies and that he need to return the monies we had already sent him. We informed him that since this process had started, 2 weeks, we no longer need the loan because the real estate deal was lost, the house was sold to someone else, plus we did not trust him nor his company integrity.
He sent us several emails telling us to send him more monies that he guaranteed us the loan. We told him again no, we would not send him any more monies that we no longer need the loan because we lost the real estate deal due to his company’s incompetency. In one of his latest emails, which we have all emails and texts saved, he stated and I quote “And if at all, anything goes wrong without you been funded then i will make refund to you all your fees.” He still has not returned our monies totaling $3,845.00 and still continues to insist that we pay him another fee of $800.00, which was originally started out as $1,800.
We feel we were scammed and mislead by Daniel Belley and his company and that they stole our monies because we never received the loan monies from the company and the company refuses to return our monies.On 11/11/2014 at 3:16 pm Daniel Belley then texted us a treat that if we did not send him the $800.00 he was going to send men after us. He and his company still has not returned our monies and has resorted to threats.


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