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* Sexual Employment

Advertising for people to get paid for adult work but the only time these guys every email you is to ask you to subscribe there the ones making money not us this site should be shut down its a complete scam must of made thousands of dollars just this year alone….


All scams please dont waste your time if i saved as much as i sepent i could of paid for a good quickie,,,,


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5 responses to “Sexual Employment”

  1. Prakash says:

    I love to be a porn star

  2. James Rimmer says:

    I would just like to say something about Sexualemployment.com
    DO NOT waist you MONEY! They are nothing but a SCAM. They claim that you will receive your first paid job offer within ONE WEEK of signing up, which they did (I got 2). Then when I went to reply to said paid offers they either never replied back, or never got any of my messages. The first on was an audio message asking me if I had any more photos. I thought this was legit, because I really didn’t have all my photos up at the time. When I first realized I couldn’t do anything without paying for my subscription I decided to wait 3 days till that VERY Monday to pay because I was waiting for my pay check. As soon as I got my paid membership I contacted BOTH employers explaining to them that I was sorry I was late getting back to them; then giving them legit reasons why. I got more pictures up, then started looking under the job search section for jobs. 90% all looked suspicious, and the other 10% I sent messages to. I never got a response from anybody. Not even a NO THANK YOU! Then yesterday I noticed the Job Search page has gone blank, and is STILL blank as we speak. I started following them on twitter, and their last tweet was 2:52 PM – 18 Jul 2013. Today while looking up their last tweet date I find out they have TWO twitter accounts, the second one has their actual logo as their profile pic. This account only has THIRTEEN FOLLOWERS; them following ZERO, with NO TWEETS! I have been tying to contact them via the customer support ticket page but have not heard ONE SINGLE RESPONSE! I had to contact CCBill today to get a full refund and to stop payment. They said that they would be contacting them directly to rectify this situation. Let’s see…

  3. Johnny west says:

    sexual employment is a fake website they are nothing more but scammers all they want is your money you will not get no job from them they are liars did not apply to their website did not send them any money stay away from them they are liars

  4. Craig says:

    Yes, they are total B.S. I signed up about 2 years ago, username, password, and uploaded most of the pictures. The second time they sent me a message it was to another name, not mine. I thought that was very weird. Bottom line…..I could go nowhere until I “upgraded” which meant to pay through CCbill a $49.95 per month fee which they would charge your card, but, said you could make up to $20,000 per month….Yeah right! anyway…I never did go further to stupidly give them my credit card to charge each month…..thank GOD my sanity came back to me in time to save me from their fraud.

  5. Jaime Anthony says:

    Oh! Wow! Thank you all for the heads up!! I have actually been contemplating going through with buying an upgraded account & now I’m DEFINITELY NOT GOING TO!! Thanks again for the warnings & best wishes to all 🙂


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