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* Baby sitting job (3 year old female) at Las Vegas Hotel

From James Moreno [email protected] details
To cartdeliveryeds [email protected]

Thanks for resolving my situation to baby-sit Juliana, i have attached Her pictures herewith. You would be babysitting in a nearby hotel around your location. i would forward the address to you in due time. But if you do not feel comfortable at the hotel I would be lodging then your home would be perfect, I have listed some questions for you below as i was advised that these questions should be the basis for for us to make a choice of a good baby sitter.Our kid mean everything to us and we would do all within our best of efforts to give her the best of things in life.I hope the questions are not so breath taking..

Your Full Name
Your full mailing Address
Home and cell Phone
your Age
Number of available reference
Do you smoke?
How well do you like pets ?Any allergies?
Do you drink alcohol?
Do you speak any languages other than English?
Would you work in a position with a mom how far? How long?
Have you ever been treated for mental illness/depression?
How many children do you feel comfortable caring for?
What ages do you prefer?
Are you CPR and first aid certified?
What are your weaknesses/limitations?
What are your strengths?
What do you like to do at your free time?
What is your relationship like with your parents and siblings?
Number of years as a babysitter
Are you interested in taking classes?
$20 per hour plus gas.-
Job duration of one month
5 hours daily Monday – Friday total of $2000 for the total time frame.
Advance payment of a week would be arranged for you as soon as you agree to the terms above. I hope to get your response back soon enough so we can get on with this.


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4 responses to “Baby sitting job (3 year old female) at Las Vegas Hotel”

  1. Alma Olson says:

    Thanks for your help. Job appeared very convincing I’m glad Scam Radar.com, is there to help!

  2. Kira says:

    Should have listened to Craigslist about avoiding scams. I replayed to this add on SanDiego Craigslistings. Same memo as about a d have not heard a response after giving my info.

  3. siria says:

    It happen to a friend in az , pls avoid falling for this james .

  4. Chey says:

    I almost just sent my information.

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