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* aanother Federal Reserve Bank scam – Gerald Colbert

FedRB ClearingDivision
After it taking me months to get money together to make p ayments to the Fderal Reserve for them to make the paperwork necessary for me to get my money in Ireland.

To Me
Today at 3:44 AM

The cost valuation accrual $635 stands out as a MUST pay factor towards the final confirmation of your payment transaction ,as due to the long abandoned of your payment transaction and now unveil whilst the file opening record resumes.In this effect ,you are to start off the fee payment now on installment basis due to your financial status.

We imploy you to please take into account the issue at stake and endeavor to paying the said fee quickly.We oblige you to please stay on the right page of your payment transaction and avoid any delay from your end ,as this is 100% guaranteed in your favor.

Apply the given instruction and treat as instructed.

N.B:Governing and proceedings in relates to this matter would successfully carried out via this office and stay completely out of mistakes and misconducts.Outstanding fee must be cleared by recipient.


Gerald Colbert
Senior Executive General Business Relations And International Affairs
Automated Clearing House/Division Financial Services


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One response to “aanother Federal Reserve Bank scam – Gerald Colbert”

  1. Bobbie D Gilbar says:


    I received three different emails from three different Official Locations telling me I had $8 million dollars to collect.
    1. The first one was from someone representing the US Treasury Department telling me to contact a Mr. Edmund Peters letting him know I’ve concluded the International Monetary Fund (IMF) Acquisition Process and I’ve been cleared by the US Treasury Department as a true beneficiary for the $8,000,000.00 USD and to request they release the funds as soon as possible.

    2. A supposed Mr Edmund Peters writes back instructing me to contact the International Affairs Fund Clearing Division Executive Officer of the Federal Reserve Bank, a MR. GERALD T. COBB. He even gave me a Record Number IMF-BN1166. I was to request his assistance with obtaining the money. They gave me an email address, phone number, and title for Mr. COBB. I wrote a letter.

    3. Mr GERALD T COBB wrote back instructing me to fill out an attached form to assist with obtaining the funds. The form looked very official and asked for name, address, amount of money, beneficiary, beneficiary’s bank, bank address, routing number, account number, purpose of payment and signature. I then was told to send back as an email attachment. I stupidly did all these things before checking for scams online. When I sent the form back filled out, I also asked what the next steps would be.
    That’s when I received a letter similar to the one above with a diatribe of written language that was very hard to understand. That was their way of trying to sound official without coming right out and asking for money ($520). Fortunately for me, I saw this scam notice online before any funds exchanged hands. I also contacted my banks fraud department to ensure they could not draft my account now or in the future.

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