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* PACKAGE DELIVERY – David Ebo – [email protected]

U.S Ambassador to Nigeria
Plot 1075 diplomatic drive
Central district area, Abuja
Dear beneficiary,
This is to inform you that after an official meeting held with the (IMF), the President of Nigeria and Minister of Finance and also the EFCC concerning unpaid and unclaimed funds to foreign beneficiaries, just like you. I was very much annoyed when I found out that you have paid much money yet you never receive your funds and that prompted me  to help you.
I shall be coming to your country for an Official Meeting and I will be bringing your funds of us$1.2 million along with me through United States diplomatic mission to your country. And this time I will not go through customs because as an USA ambassador to Nigeria, I am a USA government agent and I have the Veto Power to go through customs. Just like I helped four persons to deliver their funds last year November December 2013 through FedEx courier service and TNT courier service and to prove this to be true, you should track the below tracking numbers and see it for yourself:
1.) Fedex.com
Tracking no: 799728124577
2) Fedex.com
Tracking no:111653816174752
3.) Fedex.com
Tracking no:801474236111
4.) Fedex.com
Tracking no:794588016471
5.) www.tnt.com
Tracking no:  123456785
However, make sure you track it first and see it yourself because as soon as I am through with the meeting I shall then proceed to your home. (Send me this information:
1. Your full name
2. Cell phone number
3. Address where you want me to bring the package).
You are a very lucky person because I shall be bringing it myself now and there is nothing anyone can do about it. Your package ($1.2m) must be registered as an ambassadorial package for me to defeat all odds and the cost of registering it is $77. The fee must be paid in the next 72 hours via western union money transfer so that all necessary arrangement can be made before time will be against us. Send the fee via western union money transfer:
Receiver’s name: David Ebo
Address: Nigeria
Text question: in god?
Answer: we trust
Amount: $77
Senders name:
As soon as you send the fee make sure you send me the payment information’s so that I can send my flight schedule to you. Please go through my website and read biography:
I expect you to comply so that the delivery can be completed. If you do not comply, then it will not be my fault if you do not receive your package email me at ([email protected])
U.S ambassador to Nigeria
Ambassador James F. Entwistle:


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One response to “PACKAGE DELIVERY – David Ebo – [email protected]

  1. just cut some money and send it fast

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