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* DEARLY BELOVED – [PLEASE HELP HUMANITY] – Deborah Calvert Herman – [email protected]

Name: Deborah Calvert Herman
Country of birth: Australia.

Attn: Beloved,
Good morning,

Greetings in the name of humanity, I am Mrs. Deborah Calvert Herman a citizen of Australia but presently in the Malaysia working for the federal government, I am 50 years old, I am now a new Christian but from all indication, my conditions is really deteriorating and it is quite convert, suffering from long time cancer of the heart, from obvious that I wont live more than 1 year, according to my doctors, this is because the cancer stage has gotten to a very bad stage.

My late husband died last five years ago, and during the period of our marriage we couldn’t produce any child. My late husband was very wealthy and after his death, I inherited all his business and wealth.

The doctors has advised me that I may not live for more than 1 year, so I now decided to divide the part of this wealth to contribute to the development of the church in Africa, America Asia, and Europe.

I selected you after visiting the website and I prayed over it. I am willing to donate the sum of $25,000.000.00u.usd (twenty five million United States dollars) to the less privileged.

Please I want you to note that this fund is lying in a security company in Malaysia. Once i hear from you, I will forward to you all the information you will use to get fund released from the security company and to be transferred to your account.

I honestly pray that this money when transferred to your account will be used for the said purpose, because I have come to find out that wealth acquisition without humility, all is vanity.

Please provide me with the following information so I can forward it to a church attorney who used to work at times for my late husband’s lawyer.

He is diligent and a Christian so I am confident he is going to handle the transaction with you and lead, advice you on how to secure the funds in your favor.

Information needed:
Full name……………………………..
Full address………………………………..
Company and address:………………………
Marital status:………………………….
Fax no……………………………………….
Phone no:……………………………………..

May the grace of our lord Jesus the love of god and the fellowship of god be with you and your family.

I await your urgent reply. ([email protected])
Your sister in Christ.
Mrs. Deborah Calvert Herman


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