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* Cointerra bitcoin scam

I purchased a bitcoin miner recently from Cointerra, and never received my server. No Reply, No answered phone calls. Customer beware. Cointerra is definitely a scam. I would suggest looking into Hashfast if you are looking for a bitcoin miner, as i have recieved what i ordered from them.


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3 responses to “Cointerra bitcoin scam”


    Cointerra is a SCAM. They don’t answer the phones when you call they rarely reply to email and there are 1000s of people trying to get their money back as I type this. RUN LIKE HELL

  2. defrauded customer says:

    Save your money this company is a not real and they have defrauded a lot of innocent people.

  3. Joe says:

    Yeah, the bastard scam me out of $16,000. I curse that someone will scam them back, what come around goes around.

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