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* Scammed by an FBI agent

On Oct. 25, I was called by a man who said he is an FBI agent, wanting to reimburse me for money he said I had lost to a scammer on 6/29/13. I had reported to my Chase Bank that $199.99 was charged to my card by WOODSON INC….I had not made the charge. I notified Chase and Chase denied payment to WOODSON. The call I received on Oct. 25 said the FBI would send me $200 + $45 for my inconvenience. I told the man I had not lost any money, and I would not accept the money. He put me in touch with another “agent” who tried very hard to get me to accept the money. During these long conversations, I stupidly gave him my Social Security number, when the first “agent” asked I prove my identity by my FICA number. I called the credit card company, and they cancelled the card and sent me a new card. I notified my local police department, and filed a complaint. I have contacted Transunion about the scam. Should I provide Transunion with my Social Security number. Duane Block [email protected]
340 S Wingate Way, Lenoir City, TN 37771


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