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— Original Message —–
From: Western Union
To: [email protected]
Sent: Tuesday, October 15, 2013 3:28 AM

From Western Union Lottery Board

Order Recipient of Payment

Ref: MTC/SA117013

Telephone: 0027-725-654-949


With due respect, I am writing to inform you that the mail you received is 100% legitimate and you have nothing to worry about because you happen to be one of the lucky winners that was chosen among others.

This is to acknowledge the receipt of your winning email and the content there in has been noted, we wish to congratulate you once again over your e-mail address ([email protected]) winning success for 2013 on this benefiting prize From Western Union Lottery Award, hence we have checked and confirmed on our active email subscribers and system that you are the true winner of this great prize USD$600, 000, 00

Be informed that you are not allowed to disclose your Award Winning Information to anybody as it contains both your Winning File Number & Winning Transfer Identification Code, because we will not welcome another person that will be contacting our office over the same winning prize of yours.

To make this claim very easy and simple for you, I just finalized an important meeting with our Board of Directors today regarding the release of your winning prize, after the meeting a Letter of Credit was issued to our paying Bank (First National Bank of South Africa) for the process and release of your winning cash prize to you without any more delay.

Please note that your winning fund will be transferred through Swift electronic wire transfer which will be done through Bank to Bank between our paying Bank here in South Africa which is First National Bank of South Africa (FNB), directly to the receiving Bank which is the Bank you operate with in your country or any nominated bank of your choice. As soon as we receive your bank information, we will forward it to our paying bank for immediate contact towards your transfer.

You are also advised to send across to us a scan copy of your International Passport or Driver’s License for Identification to avoid double claim which may arise.


Full Name:

Bank account number:

Bank Name:

Bank Address:

Bank Branch:

Branch Code:

Bank Swift Code:

Bank Telephone No:

Bank Fax No:

Beneficiary Name:

Beneficiary Add:

Mobile Number:

(WARNING) Please note that your winning prize has been placed under insurance coverage with the Old Mutual Insurance Company (OMIC), that your fund shall get to you in its full value and must get to you in bulk, and as such ‘No Body, Organization, Bank or Company’ has the right to make any deduction from your total winning prize until the claim of your winning prize has been completed.

Thanks for your attention to this mail.

Best Regards,

Dr. Fred Richard

(Processing Manager)

Telephone: 0027-725-654-949


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