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* [email protected]

tried to reach me to rent a property via craigslist. Wording in email make it look like spam so didn’t reply.


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4 responses to “[email protected]

  1. G. Ann says:

    I just received the following inquiry from the same person in response to my Craigslist listing for a vacation rental property. The fractured English also caught my eye…and so did the instruction to reply directly and not via Craigslist. It screams phony and I appreciate the heads-up Andrea.

    I will like to know if you have Aug 19th-25th available,kindly get back to me with the cost and availabilities.

    Reply to [email protected] , don’t reply @craigslist mail because my response won’t deliver to you

  2. JT says:

    Got this response to my Craigslist vacation rental ad:

    “Hello , do you have availability for september 23rd to 29th Reply me back on [email protected] if its still available for rent” Looked like a scammer, so I googled the email address and found this site.

  3. Jsun says:

    I had the exact same date inquiry for my vacation rental. Although I did reply, it seemed a little fishy and did this search. Not sure what will transpire but I will be careful…

  4. Jsun says:

    as i suspected – i just received an email that he was sending $$ but it was going to be accidentally overpaid and i should refund the difference by western union….i think i’ll just hold on to the “funds” and apply credit to his future “stay”
    this happened to a neighbor of mine – beware – although the check will show in your account – the actual $$ are not there…

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