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* Reprezntant vanzari Romania Yeem Travel

We have viewed your resume and your candidature is suitable for
the position of Regional Sales Representative in Romania/Reprezentant Vanzari at our
For more information, please read the detailed JOB DESCRIPTION attached.
I hope that you will accept our offer and that the salary offer is commensurate with your expectations.

In order for us to move ahead in hiring process, complete the
APPLICATION FOR EMPLOYMENT enclosed and return it to us via e-mail.
Yeem! Is a quickly developing travel agency, offering cruise products on some of the worlds’ popular routes such as Mediterranean, Baltic, and Black Sea during several years.

Our head office is located in the United Kingdom. To increase amount of clients from Western and Central Europe, we decided to hire Sales Representatives in Romania and other European sea countries, because it is very hard and expensive to open sales offices in Europe for us right away.
We plan to manage the work of the regional Sales Representatives from our head office in the United Kingdom and later organize a physical branch office in Romania. So during this period you will be able to perform tasks at your local city using computer, phone, and Internet, and send results via post or email.

You will get all job tasks with step-by-step instructions and constant assistance of your personal manager.
The tasks are easy to understand and you need only initial level of English language to perform the job.
Our company fully covers any possible charges related to the job.

As our regional sales representative in Romania, you will perform the following duties:
• Cruises reservation (receive cruise reservation payment to your account and transfer in necessary values to Travel Agent located at the destination seaport.
• Work with documents (enter crucial information regarding sales and clients into computers, fill in invoices and other forms, etc.)
• Receive, manage or transmit necessary data from/to business partners, travel agencies and cruisers.
• Send/receive business correspondence via post, fax or e-mail.

Why we need you? The work with regional sales representatives in Romania gives us a possibility to effectively serve clients from all countries of Europe, reduce the term of cruise reservation up to 1 business day, and, as a result increase profitability of the company.
This is absolutely legal and normal form of business process and we require only legal applicants with right to work on the territory of Romania.

Sales Representatives receives fixed NET salary of 1050 EUR payable every 30 calendar days and 3% commission paid instantly from amount of every order completed.

Working hours:
9.00-17.00 (flexible working hours)


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One response to “Reprezntant vanzari Romania Yeem Travel”

  1. Flavi says:

    Si eu am primit, din ceea ce am mai citit sunt niste nesimtiti care vor sa spele bani prin conturile noastre, Aveti mare grije , ignorati-le !!

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