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* Email Scam

Proposed Partner

My name is Fred Patrick. I am the chief Financial Officer at the Alliance-Leicester Commercial Bank United Kingdom. My contacting you is based on a secret discovery of the sum of £19,250.390.00 ( Nineteen Million, Two Hundred and Fifty Thousand,Three Hundred and Ninety Pounds Sterling) only, in a dormant Escrow Account.

It will be in my interest to work and finish this transaction with you.I will like you stand as the Next Of Kin to the deceased as no one has come up for this funds all this while…please indicate your positive interest immediately for us to proceed if not please ignore. Remember this is absolutely confidential because my Bank does not know about it.

Get back to me on my private email address,[email protected].

Warmest regards,
Patrick Fred,
Chief Financial Officer,
Alliance-Leicester Commercial Bank.
United Kingdom.


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One response to “Email Scam”

  1. I started with mr .Dennis Mark about 2 years ago and the went to Mr. Robert S. Mueller III from FBI I thought from Fbi this was good and I sent a lot of money to get 12 millions dollars on a A T M card on 12/12/12 I made last payment on Sunday 12/8 /2012 and will get what coming to me in 48 hr. .After I send the last payment Western union I got no word at all or no money. I have sent a lot of money and have all copy of all the emails I got to say this is my money free and clear .I went into debt ,lost a lot of friends to get this money but the only thing I got is a big scam and no money . WHAT CAN I DO TO STOP THIS SCAM SO OTHERS WILL NOT BE SCAM OUT OF THERE MONEY >

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