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* Email Scam


I am Alhaji Musa Costa, a highly placed official of the Benin Customs.
It may interest you to know that reports have reached our office by so
many correspondences on the uneasy way which people like you are
by Various Banks and Courier Companies across Europe to Africa and Asia
and we have decided to put a stop to it, and that is why I was
to handle the delivery of the consignment direct to you. Your funds has
been sent to you through ATM MASTER CARD.

You are hereby advised not to remit further payment to any institutions
here in Benin or London with respect to your transaction as your fund
be delivered to you directly from our DIPLOMAT who is now at
Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport Atlanta. I hope this is clear.
Any action contrary to this instruction is at your own risk. The ATM
contained US$1.2Million .You have to call/email the diplomat right now
this information below :

Name : General Peter Abraham

E-mail : [email protected]

Phone : 229-638-0550

Respond to him immediately and Also call him as soon as you receive
email so that you will be given an immediate response on how he can
your city/house address :

Best Regards,
Alhaji. Musa Costa.


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