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* sexualEmployment.com

That is also a scam porn talent website and its in the netherland..nobody has caught it yet. interpol is investigating and going to shut it down!


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6 responses to “sexualEmployment.com”

  1. Greg says:

    I joined SexualEmployment and paid to join it. The only times I got emails or replies to emails was before I subscribed.

    This site is definitely a scam.

  2. Shane says:

    sexualemployment.com — A SCAM!!! I paid and had ‘TIM’ message me and prompt replies and the last was to advise received STD report. Sent it and have not heard a word. Now message system is out of order, mobile sms won’t work. It is DEFINITELY a scam, using the psychology of those to PAY won’t go after them…. um… you found me.

  3. Larry says:

    Definitely a scam and it appears those that have the pop up links are just as bad

  4. Cameron Beazley says:

    sexualemployment.com is definately a scam also the only time i got emails was to subscribe never any job offers dont waste your time it should be shut down this site….

  5. ron johnson says:

    So glad I checked on here before I put in my credit card!! I KNEW it was a scam. Too good to be true.

  6. Charl says:

    I had a look at it, know from previous experience that so much advertising and even just open publicity advertising of such a web won’t just be in the open!!

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