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* Securi GARD Canada

So recently I came across this ad on Kijiiji. “Looking to become a security officer in Ontario?” And when I clicked on the add, I came across this beautiful type up explaining how this company (ses canada – security educational services is a division company by “Securi GARD Canada” and how they charge only $99 plus tax for their ON-LINE Security guard course, where you get all the course material and a book sent to your mail, and you have 90 days to study and do a “mock” test which you are required to get a 70% passing grade. Once you pass this test (which I did) nothing happens on the site. I mean you only get the passing grade and that’s it; there is a toll-free number, which you may call at any time… 1-877-609-0174. Whenever I call this number there are 4-5 different options, any option you may pick at any time of day, morning, afternoon, night the voicemail is always full and no one is available to answer calls. The man on the machine says” Welcome to Secure GARD canada9. Our office is located on 797 Wilson ave, suite #201. Our hours are mon-fri 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. bla bla bla” I figured they must be busy! So I called the ministry! and they confirmed that the company (securi gard canada) is actually legit and its real on their system. All I needed was my compleltion code, So I figured I will go to the address they provide after researching on internet and finding various website that say this company is good and all, I decided to got today (March 26, 2012) When I reached the address, I noticed the big sign board outside this building, which listed the company’s name and logo! it looked so real, I was starting to feel good about it, until I went inside and came to suite #201. I was shocked, the place was nothing but a empty office, with a few renovations going on inside that I could see from the glass door. There were other offices in the building, I stopped a employee that works there and asked her if she knew anything about this office, if its old/new or have they moved? She didnt want to answer any of my questions and just shrugged her shoulder and said “I don’t know anything, We don’t know anything” My guess was that many people had come here previously before me, then she added her self “Many people have been coming and asking this, we don’t know” thats when I REALIZED that this is actually all fake! It’s a scam! I came home and researched a bit more on internet, and I came across scamradar.com and all I need is some help now to spread the word and more over find out who are the people running behind this business and how is it even possible that kind of scam can run under our nose like that, Maybe I am over reacting and this company is real? And if it is so then where is the proof! Please help!


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3 responses to “Securi GARD Canada”

  1. Raghib says:

    this company is real, i spoke to them today, my apology for posting this. they got back to me today after reviewing that i was upset and couldnt get a hold of them. i have tried my best to get this thing removed but this website has no contact info and i cannot email them to have this removed. so anybody who is reading this, this company securi gard is not FAKE, its real!!!

  2. Raghib says:

    Hello scam radar, i made a post through your website on march 27th. I posted that this company is fake because they did not get in touch with me after a very long time. I was contacted by this company’s president within days of that and he made sure that i got my completion code and everything went well, I went back to your website to take it off but there is no option! I have tried emailing you guys many times and I always get a fail response back, I am not sure how else to contact you guys, there is no number, no name of who owns the site, The President of the company is contacting a lawyer and they want to take action against me now because of my post, I have commented under my own post to have it removed and I have waited about two weeks and nothing has been done! Please remove my original post asap!!! This is the link:


    I have commented under that link as well as you can see, please remove it!

    my name is Raghib,
    [email protected]

  3. Raghib says:

    ATTENTION: [email protected]

    I have no other way to write to you.

    Please remove this entire post:


    *This Company is REAL & its NOT a scam!!!*

    I apologize again for posting what I had posted, this is the same person who made the post, you can check my email and i.p. address if so, and you can call me if you need my number I can be reached through easily, as for now, please remove this entire post on “securi gard canada” everywhere from your website

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