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* driver job

Dear Applicant ,
Thanks for your response to the driving job. I am Alcon Homes by name and I reside in Delaware. My wife Sharon Homes and I will be relocating over to your location and so we will be in need of a driver. Our journey would mainly be around the business district within the city and also around town to leisure spots when we are less busy.
After getting your response, my wife and I will prepared a structured out work schedule for you that would not be too stressful.
We would like for you to confirm the following questions :

1.Would you be available to drive us for at least 20 hours each week
2.Where do you stay ?
3.Will you be available for us some weekends too if we let you know before hand?
4.We would need you to drive us for two shifts each weekend. what i mean by this is that, we would need you to tell us whether you would be available for either (morning and afternoon) or (afternoon and evening) or (morning and evening) 3hours each shift .

You would also pick us from the Airport and I will tell you the name of the Airport as we proceed. Our arrival date would be in two weeks will confirm our precise ticket date and let you have the details in due time. We will be getting you a car and we are offering you $500 weekly. In order to be sure that we are getting your service, we will like to give you your first week pay upfront.
Kindly get back to us so that we can give you further details


Alcon Homes


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