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* Used Mobile Phone Scam by www.whymobile.com

I had bought a mobile phone sold to me as a price of NEW and mentioned clearly as new but they sent me a damaged USED phone and upon confronting them, they told me that I have replaced and trying to cheat them when infact it was them who sent me.

I am frustrated , cheated and regret buying after realizing that I have been fooled by this incident. As I am in the US , I am unable to do anything. I only know that this website has a retail store in some shopping mall called as Far East Plaza in Singapore and I want all people to beware of this site and shop from being scammed altogether.

I tried to do some research about Whymobile Singapore selling fake phones and realized they have done similar scam to local people as well and also been banned from Paypal for cheating and fraud.

They store is located at:

WhyMobile Telecommunications
14 Scotts Road, #03-126, Far East Plaza, Singapore 228213


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