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* Stay away from InsiderPages website.

They will allow any one to post a review without editing the content. They don’t hold them self-liable for anything published. If a review is inaccurate, damaging, slanderous it is not their problem your review is there for the entire world to see. The review allows them to be found by the search engine so any publicity is good for them. They are not responsible nor do they care about small business. If a business values their good name they should stay away from insider pages. They will publish anything . STAY AWAY FROM THEM!!!


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2 responses to “Stay away from InsiderPages website.”

  1. Naida says:

    Insider Pages – Doesn’t filter reviews – I have been in business for 25 yrs. And take reviews very seriously. The email stated I had a negative review; I went to the website and noticed that the writer kept referring to a company name with two initials. My company has a 4 letters in its name. I decided to click on the name of the writer: brooklyn y.
    Brooklyn, NY
    Insider Expert
    Rank: 6,839

    This person had written the SAME EXACT review to approximately 40 jewelry stores, with a rating of 1 star! Then she wrote a different but SAME EXACT review to 8 jewelry stores with a 5 star rating!
    AND she has the title of Insider Expert Rank: 6,839.
    Insider has no filtering system in place and they have the nerve to give these clowns titles and ranks. How many businesses have Insider Pages ruined!!!!

  2. Naida says:

    Look at Insider Pages About Reviewer Badges and Rankings

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