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* Texansoft a cheater company

One of my friend told me that SAP FICO gives good opportunity in terms of employment. I am and that time was unemployed so I responded to one of their ads in www.sulekha.com and one person name Vivek called me on 20th July and spoke to me. I was in virginia and he said that he has project open in virginia starting 1st week of september and if i join very same day then they can start the training same evening and when I am done with the training they will provide me placement at $140 to $160 per hour basis (junior level has $80-$100 per hour range). I was skeptical so I send them my current resume and told him to take a look and tell me if I will be eligible for $140 to $160 per hour rate. He called me and confirmed the same still I send him an email asking to give me in writing and he mentioned that as long as I do well in training then they will offer me $140-$160 salary per hour. They also promised that once the training is over and I join the project and get the paycheck, they will refund my $1000 agreed fees to me back. I asked how can they afford doing that and they mentioned that they charge from client for providing people so they dont need $1000 paid towards training.

He also told me that training will take place 5 days a week (mon to fri) one to two hours a day. In one week they started asking for more and more money and I point to them that in two weeks training is only done for less than 5 days and all days training was only for around 30 minutes or less and not as they promised and they told to pass the msg to management and instructor.

But always training was less than 20 minutes and person would come and quickly go through their software and many times I had to wait for an hour or more just to wait for the instructor to arrive.

Finally they took $750 from me and when instructor told me that now one week of training is left, they started calling me 5-10 times a day asking me to send them an email telling that the training is over so they can start the training so by the next week when actual training is over I can start employment. So I send them an email stating that even though as per instructor training is over I am not confident about training received as all it was was less than 20-30 mins training. They started demanding more money from me and I was really skeptical now so I told them that since they have promised me to give my $1000 fees money back once I get the project and project is going to start next week so why dont they get me a project and on my first day of project I give them $250 which they are going to refund me back after 15 days when I receive my first pay check anyways.

Now they started avoiding my calls.. When I would call the person would purposely not pick up the phone or the collegue would tell that person is home sick and when my friend called from another number, same person picked up the phone. When I asked about their promise and why it’s not being fulfilled, they never bothered to reply also.

Now I am demanding money from them for long time and initially they told me that the bank has never given them money back and when I inquired about the letter from the bank stating the same.. they came back to me offering $250 money back out of $750 paid and I am still demanding full money as I am clearly being cheated by this company and this company is still cheating many more people like this.

Someone should take the action agains the company and resolve the issue if possible.


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