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* Doris Lakarme from Senegal

from: Doris Lakarme ([email protected])
sent: 20. february 2012 9:31:54
to: ……… (………[email protected])

How are you today? Mine is a little bit cold over here in Dakar Senegal. My name is Doris Lakarme I ‘m 24yrs, from Rwanda in Central Africa,5.9ft tall, Fair in complexion,(never married before )and presently i am residing in the refugee camp here in Dakar Senegal as a result of the civil war that was fought in my country.
My late father Dr Ephraim Lakarme was the managing director of Lakarme associates (Ltd) and he was the personal adviser to the former head of state before the rebels attacked our house one early morning and killed my mother and my father in cold blood.
It was only me that is alive now and I managed to make my way to a near by country Senegal where i am living now in a refugee camp,and this computer is belonging to a reverend Father that has the church here in the camp.
I would like to know more about you.Your likes and dislikes,your hobbies and what you are doing presently. I will tell you more about myself in my next mail. This is a picture of mine.
I will be hoping to read your reply.
Miss Doris.


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