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* Housecleaner/Nanny/Personal Assistant Robert Lebron

I replied to a post on Craigslist and recieved the following response:


Thanks so much for writing me about my post on Craigslist.Am Robert and My wife’s name is Nancy, she’s 5 months pregnant and this is her first baby. We are relocating to Phoenix, AZ from England….I will be coming there to work on contract basis with United States Environmental Protection Agency on a private research work So i need someone who could help me take care of house by doing some house work while am off to work.Someone that will also help in running some errands. I will be offering you $20/hr, i will be needing your services for 5hours per day at any suitable time of yours, Mondays through Fridays. I believe you are fit for this position in as much you will prove yourself to be a reliable and good person. Kindly get back to us if you are really interested in working with me and my wife. Hope to read from you back soon.
Thanks and God Bless

Robert & Nancy”

I started to reply until I noticed his email address: Robert Lebron [[email protected]]. I mean, if he really is coming here to “work on contract basis with United States Environmental Protection Agency on a private research work” wouldn’t he be using a secure, corporate email as opposed to a free, personal gmail account? I think it was the “69” that first caught my eye! I would like to have my theory confirmed by others, but until then I am not responding to him.

This is the text of the CL ad:
I and my wife are seriously looking for a house cleaner/ nanny/ personal assistant ASAP…..kindly email me if you are available for this job position


• Location: AZ
• Compensation: $500 weekly
• This is a part-time job.
• This is a contract job.
• This is at a non-profit organization.
• This is an internship job
• OK to highlight this job opening for persons with disabilities
•Principals only. Recruiters, please don’t contact this job poster.
•Phone calls about this job are ok.
•Please do not contact job poster about other services, products or commercial interests.


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7 responses to “Housecleaner/Nanny/Personal Assistant Robert Lebron”

  1. yazmin rodrigo says:

    hello i also replied to that mail he even offer me the job and send me a cashiers check of 3 thousand i will not cash that money since i dont know anything he hasnt replied but he supposedly needed me the 20th and i got the check the 23rd also i being sending him emails because the 20th came and nothing happened he didnt email me or nothing, and i had no check or keys to the apartment, also i saw this other girl that has a job offer like this one but ina different country and the email seems so similar it even says the same but different info and stuff like that… i really wanted to talk to u if you know further information please let me knoe

  2. Roc says:

    I replied th the same message talking about relocating from england. I asked when they would be moving and where. He sent back his address and and said he could compensate me for the drive time alsi responded with the drive time and asked once again when they would be moving. It started to sound to good to be true so I started searching the name.
    I was excited about the opportunity for a bit, but oh well!
    If I got a money order though I would cash it:-)

  3. Martha says:

    Hi. I replied to the ad on Chicago craiglist and got the same text from this person, but in my case he was going to relocate to Chicago instead of Phoenix….As the person provided a very careful explanation of his plans, family circumstances…I decided to google his name and found out the messages reporting scam.
    Crazy people scam when we aresimply looking for a job.

  4. Tyra Sims says:

    I saw the same posting on craigslist and email him. And he said that his wife is 5 months pregnant and etc. At first I believed him but until I put his name in google and the scam radar popped up for him.

  5. Ann K says:

    I saw this on craigslist also.

  6. Mary Bryant says:

    Mr Robert Lebron is not a scam…..He his coming to the state next week

  7. Tamara says:

    it is a scam he is using David as a name now
    I got a check he asked me to cash it the same day and send a money order I called the FBI adn they confirmed it’

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