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* Fozia The Scammer

This person is a recent scammer who makes multiple facebook accounts under different names asking other people to help her out with her financial trouble with the immigration regarding her two children who she is trying to get into Canada. Her story involves, the death of her Qhusband, the death of her mother and so on. She is never been married nor she has any children from any men. She is originally from Pakistan, now resides in Canada. Not only she tries to scam others on facebook but she also scam by telling people that she works as a travel agent. Please be very careful of this yound lady, as she is a young age between 22-28 years old. She uses three email accounts: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]. This is one of her facebook, that is currently deactivate: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=645627100


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6 responses to “Fozia The Scammer”

  1. divya says:

    It looks like she deleted those email accounts. She is now using [email protected].

  2. I was scammed by her says:

    I was scammed by this young lady, Fozia Janjua. She message me on facebook asking for financial help. She is not married nor she ever been. I knew that it was a scam because I searched for her online. Do not be fooled by this lady. She is ripping you off and ran off with your money. Beware of Fozia Janjua (from Calgary, Alberta)

  3. Priya says:

    I would like to point out the truth about this absurd allegation of this person claiming that she is scammer. There is no suficient amount of truthful claims nor evidence that she is a scammer. I know this person; the report and comments they are referring to is this person: http://www.facebook.com/fozia.janjua


    Picture: http://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn1/63149_376978725726936_396454450_n.jpg

    I would like scamradar.com to remove the report including the comments about her being a scammer because she is not.

  4. Aditi says:

    I would like to tell about this lady, what ever you are reading here about her is totaly wrong and she is not even close to all this information. This lady is very nice and I know her personally from last two years so there is not point of having her name in this website or list. So I would like to tell scam radar to delete all this and also delete the comments which are pointing towards her. she is very good in nature I know her personally so please delete all this about her.

  5. Ravi says:

    Fozia is the love of my life. She could never do this. Maybe she has changed and is a scammer but I still love her.

  6. Anonymous from Pakistan says:

    She is not a scammer but she is married with cousin in Pakistan and whoever posted this bullshit is a very low life person. stop spreading rumors and I would like to tell truth to everyone here that she is married in Pakistan city Lalamusa dated january 2013. If she claims that she is divorcee or not married then please contact me as she is playing games with her husband and back home in Pakistan everyone knows she is married and now she blocked everyone from Pakistan so her future friends doesn’t know about her past but she can’t do this to her husband. she just use him and run away and now she is not talking to her husband from past three months.
    this is my email id you can contact me here :
    ( [email protected] )

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