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* www.dmoservices.com, vincent campbell


How are you today? I just want to inform you that your 1st assignment to
evaluate and carry out survey has been granted by our company.
Your job would be the evaluation of a western union outlet in your area.

Payment has been issued to you via USPS, cash-able at your bank

Please proceed as instructed inside the NOTE you shall receive alongside the payment.

These are some of the observation you would carry out today:

#How long it took you to get services. #Smartness of the attendant
#Customer service professionalism #Sometimes you might be required to upset the attendant,
to see how they react #Poor services.

Immediately the transaction has been completed i.e sending out the money after taking your commission
to the name given to you inside the note.

Please URGENTLY forward these details to me for record purpose:

1. Amount sent, wire charges and money transfer control number (MTCN#)

You shall receive more payments for evaluation upon completion of this 1st one so be effective
Thanks and God bless you as you carry out your task.
Vincent Campbell, Richard Clark
Evaluation team
Thank you and God Bless you.
Vincent Campbell
Phone #: 404-910-5030
Evaluation team
Mahagony LLC.


As soonas i went to mail box for the second time in one day I found MORE mail, from this guy. Hand delivered n=NOT from the post office. Upon further inspection of the FAKE postal money order I reported it.


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4 responses to “www.dmoservices.com, vincent campbell”

  1. Lachandra Brown says:

    I also received this email and I took the postal money order to PLS and they notified me that it was a fake postal money order. DONT NOT TAKE THIS TO YOUR BANK!!!!

  2. Claudia says:

    see i aked my bank if it was real.. they said it was they cashed it and i did the rest of what they wanted…

  3. Sharon says:

    I just got the same email. I tried to call and could get no answer; so I told them I was not intterested and if they contacted me, I would be going to the police. It is hard enough to find a good job without this bull!

  4. Brian says:

    They have been sending me constant fake checks from all different banks in different states i really dont kno what to do

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