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* Warning, Entrust Bankcard is a scam… do not trust anything that they say!

Rhett Doolittle and Nate Reis are the worst of the worse… They only train new-to-the-industry sales reps and they train them with lies! I just met with one of their Dallas TX reps that explained to me a MUST READ BEFORE DOING BUSINESS WITH THIS COMPANY! From the start their employees are led to believe that Entrust Bankcard is in fact “the interchange.”

Then the reps are given a computer program by the name of “MERCHANT GENIUS” that is only used to show false savings through only computing their mark up. WARNING, the fees they show you are only there own… THEY WILL DOUBLE YOUR FEES!!! It does’t stop there… Rhett Doolittle and Nate Reis have also created an elaborate flow chart that shows that they will cut out the middle man and get small businesses processing through the Interchange.

Listen up everyone!!!! These lies can and will put this company out of business which is exactly what America needs. I recommend you schedule and appointment with them and record the entire ordeal. Ask the sales rep specific questions about who they are and what they do… This company will lock you into a 5 year contract with a non cancelable lease from a company called AZURA LEASING aka LADCO and they WILL CHARGE YOU THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS TO CANCEL ASIDE FROM THE THOUSANDS THAT YOU WILL LOSE BY PROCESSING WITH THEM.

Check them out on the BBB website and save yourself the debt of signing a contract with these fraudulent scam artists. Disregard any and all videos you see about them on Youtube, they have apparently hired a media specialist to make them look amazing, but behind the scene is a grim truth of lies and deceit.


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5 responses to “Warning, Entrust Bankcard is a scam… do not trust anything that they say!”

  1. Danilo Morales Guinea says:

    Quiero saber si la siguiente dirección de correo, pertenece a un abogado estafador:
    abdulchambers @ judge.la
    Dice que pertenece al abogado Abdul Yusuf.

  2. Karen says:

    The exact same thing happened to me…Lies are their MO. Do not fall for it like I did. They are trying to tell me that their rep was new and that she didn’t know a few things. total lie – all the scam reports are saying the exact same thing because that is how they do business. RUN FROM ENTRUST.

  3. Bill Jennings says:

    Unfortunately, we agree. This is all true. Lies, over-zealous sales, long-term contracts, hidden fees, and blatant falsehoods are the hallmark of Entrust. It may be true that its brainwashed sales & support staff are knowledgeable of the scam (yet sustain it), but Entrust is a complete scam. Do yourself a favor and avoid business with them.

  4. sarajean says:

    The Attorney General’s office in Arizona is planning a class action suit against Entrust Bank Card, Azura Leasing and their other companies. Please contact their office and your state Attorney General’s office. November 2012

  5. He leido ScamRadar.com – Warning, Entrust Bankcard is a scam… do not trust anything that they say! – Report a Scammer – Fraud con mucho interes y me ha parecido interesante ademas de facil de leer. No dejeis de cuidar esta web es muy buena.

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