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* menandwomenmodels.com

will post on craigslist claiming to need models, The women I talked to was named Amy in an office at 845 3rd Ave. Her number is (718) 382-0218. But before you can work for them, you need to pay them $360 for their photographer to take pictures of you and post them on their website. Deposits are non-refundable and if you cancel your photoshoot at Silver Studio they will try to charge you $100.
The women I talked to was named Amy in an office at 845 3rd Ave. Her number is (718) 382-0218. I’ve been trying to get in touch with anyone who has actually gotten work because of their affiliation with menandwomenmodels.com and it sounds like it’s just a way to get people’s cash for a coupld of pictures.


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11 responses to “menandwomenmodels.com”

  1. Do not fall for this! I did and it was a complete waste of 360 dollars. It is not real. She will not set you up with any bookers. Amy is a scam. She will keep trying to extort money out of you.

  2. c says:

    omg i think i fell victim to this please contact me to discuss met with her in time square 1501 broadway very nice building 12th floor and was very quick to ask for money and take my money yet i never seen any real documents as my con is signed w an agency this seemed fishy and then the website is pretty low budget any one can create website/domain and not accredited with Better Buisness Beareu womp womp womp

  3. L says:

    Just met with Amy and had the same issue that “c” described.Though the building we met at; 1501 Broadway, was very nice, the actual room was bare and had only a computer and maybe a notepad sitting on a desk. She was a very fast talker and kept the conversation all over the place. When I asked for a business card she said she had none and that her info was at the top of the “contract” she gave me. The website also seems very homemade. Got in contact with the a photographer named Marco at Silver Studios, and the email was very unprofessional. I wouldn’t even waste my time with these people if I were you.

  4. Roxanne says:

    I fell victim to this. Let’s do something about it!

  5. francesco spitaleri says:

    I also run in this scam…I gave her $60, but then I did think that there was something…behind….
    So do not run in this scam

  6. Eugene says:

    I had the same thing as all people. Amy took $250 and told me will get a job very soon, Her phone #718-3620218 and not in service anymore. it’s 100% scam.
    Does anybody know where to find this women?

  7. Justin says:

    I just had this same thing happen. Her new address is 99 Madison Ave. Fl. 5. Same exact scam trying to get me to pay for photos. Super sketchy website is nowmodelandtalent.com looks the same as the old one. Same deal with silver studios. New number is 646-430-5675. Hope we can bust this scam.

  8. Ally says:

    She is now at 380 Lexington, I don’t know if it’s Amy she said her name was Morgan. Her phone is 347-967-8326. I paid $360 for the shoot and now she wants $250 for prints and touch ups. I also worked with Marco at Silver Studios. I think the new website is bigappletalent.com.

  9. Ally says:

    I found her, Her name is Judith Delong, and the DCA prosecuted her back in 2004 (http://www.nyc.gov/html/dca/html/news/pr_112304.shtml) and they were seeking restitution for 40 consumers. I filed a complaint and would reccomend you do to if you haven’t already. This is the woman I met with http://otomayimbdipper.blogspot.com/2011/08/judith-delong-on-soho.html. She may still have a partner if this is a different woman than the one you met with. She had a partner back in 2004.

  10. Lindsey says:

    Judith Delong now goes by Morgan Taylor. I found out through a source that she rented office space on an hourly basis a few days a week. Up until a few days ago, she was at the 4th floor of 575 Lexington Ave until the people from whom she rented found out she was a scam artist.

    She uses the numbers (212) 726-2322 and (917) 297-6616. She asks for $360 cash up front to get pictures taken. After the pictures are taken she asks for an additional $260 for them to retouched. She’ll tell you to upload them to whynotcasting.com and make a profile with your measurements. She said the retouchers will get to work on the photos immediately. They never actually retouch your photos.

    She is affiliated with castingsnyc.com and whynotcasting.com.

    Her partner-in-crime goes is an Italian photographer who goes by the pseudonym “Marco”. Is real name is Max De Cherci http://www.maxdecherchi.com/. Photographing clients from “Morgan” is his side hustle.

    He photographs at Silver Studios at 320 West 37th Street, #302. After the photoshoot, he e-mails the photos via a file which you must download and it will expire in a couple of weeks. The e-mail is through [email protected], instead of his professional e-mail [email protected]. This way he can pretend he has no affiliation with “Morgan”, get his $360 (minus the cut Morgan keeps for herself), and continue being an accomplice to Morgan’s scam.

    If you have been a victim of “Morgan’s” scams, I highly recommend you file a complaint with the DCA by calling 311, the District Attorney’s fraud specialist at (212) 335-8900 and (212) 416-8000. Power in numbers. I already filed my complaint.

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