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* Watch out for this one

Well this was someone who I’d been communicating online with since October of 2011 and had pictures of a beautiful girl on her profile, she said she really liked me a lot and even went as far as wanting to get married, the ceremony was going to cost 2900.00 initially then was lowered to 1500.00 and then finally 500.00 which like an idiot I sent western union. Then she was supposed to get a visa (I needed to send another 100.00 and I did) to come here with me and had me even fill out a sponsorship document, in a few days I was told she had gotten her visa. I finally wised up and called the US Embassy and they told me that noone by that name and birthdate had even gotten a visa recently. And I was told that I would have had to fill out a petition in order for her to even get a visa at all, which I never filled out, She uses pictures of Alison Angel (who I didn’t even know existed until a friend of mine informed me that’s who she was) and she uses the name Carlis Paittoo and she is on several dating sites throughout the web. Don’t get taken like I did because gentlemen they are out there in full force! And she has a sidekick male by the name of John Ocansey that the money is always sent to. If you have any questions check with the US Embassy for they are very helpful people there. Good Luck


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