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* NANNY SCAM CRAIGSLIST – This is what he/she’ll email you back!!

This email serve’s as an acknowledgement for your resume and sorry for the late response. Your resume as been received and reviewed.My name is Diana Cole, I am the Field Manager of Sojitz Marine & Engineering Corporation,UK.I just went through your resume as a good caregiver for infants.Hence I would want to leave my 2 year old daughter Juliana in your care everyday as I would accompany 3 other delegates for an inspection tour of one of our project located near you in the United States. The inspection tour implies that I leave my hotel some few hours every day to the Building site and back home, this would make it difficult to take care of my kid; this tour would stretch from the 18th of January through 30th of march.
I need someone who can do 4 hours a day Monday – Friday.
I would like to know your number of times and hours of availability weekly basis as soon as we arrive. So I can schedule my appointment of leaving home daily…I’m offering $30 an hour plus gas / negotiable, as I would want all condition conducive for both you and Juliana while in your care.
Juliana is adorable and gets along easily with people, never allergic and sleeps a lot, I would be sending you her Pictures as soon as I get a reply from you indicating your readiness to care for her everyday before I return.
Moreover you will start taking care of her by 19th of this January and You would be babysitting in a nearby hotel around your location. I would forward the address to you in due time. But if you do not feel comfortable at the hotel I would be lodging ,you can let me know if your home would be perfect.
Please fill up the Questionnaire below to facilitate your chances:

Personal Information
First Name:
Last Name:
Address (PO BOX not allowed):
Zip Code:
Residential Phone Number:
Number of years as a babysitter:
Number of available reference:

$30 per hour plus gas.-
Job duration of one month
4 hours daily Monday – Friday total of $500 for the total time frame.
Advance payment of a week be arranged for you as soon as you agree to the terms above.

Mrs Diana Cole
Sojitz Marine & Engineering Corporation.
7th floor, Northern & Shell Building,
10 Lower Thames Street, London EC3R 6EQ, UK


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5 responses to “NANNY SCAM CRAIGSLIST – This is what he/she’ll email you back!!”

  1. jahsheena says:

    im confused on whats the scam i have bee talking this diana cole …

  2. jahsheena says:

    whats the scam?

  3. Cdaby says:

    I’ve also been talking to her…now I’m freaked out. What’s the problem?

  4. Donna says:

    I almost fell for this scam too they actually sent me a check for $3850.00 and I was to keep $500.00 for 1st weeks pay in advance and send rest thru money gram to a Steveland Morris….Im so glad I looked this up and I must say the guy at money gram in walmart of H.B. warned me to I greatly appreciate him ……Wow Im a single mom of 3 why do people do these kinds of things…..this would have ruined my life!!!!!!!
    Mine was a girl named Keisha Laurel and claiming she had a daughter named Juliana age 3 and her husband was in the military….hahaha Laughs on you Bitch I didnt fall for your SCAM

  5. Smarty Pants says:

    Here’s what I was emailed after responding to the nanny ad:

    My name is James Anderson, I am the head civil engineer with NRFC Construction. Ontario Canada an affiliate of Shimmick Construction and Renovation Co USA… I just went through your email as a good caregiver for infants. Hence I would want to leave my 3 year old daughter Juliana in your care everyday as I would accompany 3 other delegates for an inspection tour of one of our Building project located near you in the United States. The inspection tour implies that I leave my hotel some few hours every day to the Building site and back home, this would make it difficult to take care of my kid; this tour would stretch from 17th of Feb through 17th of March

    I need someone who can do 5 hours a day Monday – Friday.

    I would like to know your number of times and hours of availability weekly basis as soon as we arrive. So I can schedule my appointment of leaving home daily…

    I’m offering $20 an hour plus gas / negotiable, as I would want all condition conducive for both you and Juliana while in your care.

    Juliana is adorable and gets along easily with people, never allergic and sleeps a lot, I would be sending you her PICTURE as soon as I get a reply from you indicating your readiness to care for her everyday before I return.

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