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* Gumtree housekeeping job scam

Thanks for responding to my job ad, You’ll be working for My wife who’s Three months pregnant and this is our Second baby We Having. So she is relocating to United Kingdom From Ukraine to Have the Baby,And Also she will be coming Down there to work on contract basis with a local Company on a private research work. So i need someone who could help her take care of the house by doing some house work while she is off to work. as the doctor advised her that she doesn’t need to stress her self, Someone that will also be help in running some errands for her. I will be offering you £550 weekly, Wish i believe you have seem the Working Days and Time before you Apply. So I believe you are fit for this position . Also you will prove yourself to be a reliable and good person. I’ll be paying you in advance with Money Order or cashier check,Once you receive the check, you’ll get it cashed,so we can have a good and comfortable preparation before her arrival schedule. I will also instruct the Landlord of the house to mail the keys of the apartment to you so that you can do all other necessary preparations before my wife arrive on the 31st of January 2012, So kindly get back to me with your contact address Where the Travelers Check or cashier check will be Mailed to , I will Need the Below Details from you .

Note:you we be working from Monday to Friday,and the timing is from 7am-5pm you can work as a live in or live out,the house is located in Bath you we have two days off.

Full Name:
Full Address:
Postal code:
Current Active Phone No:

All i need from you is Your honesty and sincerity. I know you will be committed to the work, You will also have a nice period of working with my wife as she is very friendly and honest. I will be waiting to hear from you soon.



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One response to “Gumtree housekeeping job scam”

  1. yazmin rodrigo says:

    hey i received something similar to that but it was someone called robert lebron and it was her first baby, and it talked like that, its so weird but the weirdest thing is that they send me a money order with 3 thousand dollars supposedly to run some errands ,and take 2 weeks pay out of it , i havent touch that money or cashed the money order since i havent received a new mail from them, have you guys discovered what is this all about

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