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* Brett Smith and Auto Warehouse

Do not buy anything from these people. Brett Smith is a lier and a scammer. He will tell you what ever he thinks you want to hear to sell the car and screw you over when it comes to standing behind what he sells.

I found out that he buys his cars from a auction but does absolutely NO inspection to make sure the car is road worthy or safe. He doesn’t even change the oil. You would have the same chances of getting a good car off Ebay and you know how dumb that would be.

Do not believe anything Brett Smith has to say, and for your own sake, do not buy from Auto Warehouse.


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2 responses to “Brett Smith and Auto Warehouse”

  1. thatworks says:

    I have know Brett Smith for over 16 years and have purchased many many vehicles from his Dealership. I have had a great experience EVERY time. Very Trustworthy and has always gone the extra mile. I have referred over 20 buyers to Brett Smith over the years and will continue doing so. If you are in the market for a BMW or even a gas friendly civic, call Brett first!

  2. Paula says:

    We have purchase twice from Brett. Both times we got a great deal, and a great car. He has a good mechanic who gets each vehicle ready to sell. I completely disagree with the disparaging post above.

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