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Mr Akbar Shykh

From Mr Akbar Shykh.(B.O.A)
Bill and Exchange Manager,
Bank of Africa(B.O.A)
Ouagadougou Burkina Faso.
West Africa.


Sorry to distract your attention, I am Mr Akbar Shykh the bill and exchange manager in the bank of Africa Ouagadougou Burkina Faso. In my department,I found the deposited fund Sum Of (Twelve Million, Five Hundred Thousand United States Dollars US$12.5), customer who died in
the air crash with his entire family.

However, I shall detail you with the full information as soon as I hear from you. Can you be able and capable to assist me provide your receiving bank account where this fund will lodge in your favour? I shall give you 40% of the total sum as soon as this fund hits your account and I shall visit you in your country for the shearing.

Please this is very confidential. If you are interested, please forward me the bellow information’s;
Your name:……………………….
Your country:…………………….
Your phone Number:………………….
Your tel/fax:……………………….
Your age:………………………….
Your occupation:…………………..

Thank for your anticipated co-operation.
Your’s Faithfully.
Mr Akbar Shykh.
Here is my private telephone number 00226 74 943267,
kindly reply me through this email address:[email protected]


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