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* Email Scam: Sgt Gregory Philips – American Soldier

If you receive an email from this guy who “claims” to be an American Soldier named Sgt. Gregory Philips, delete it as it’s a scam. Below is a copy of his email:


My name is Sgt. Gregory Philips, I am an American soldier with Swiss background, serving in the military with the armys 3rd infantry division. With a very desperate need for assistance, I have summed up courage to contact you. I found your contact particulars in an address journal. I am seeking your kind assistance to move the sum of ( $ 35 million u.s. dollars ) Thirty Five million united states dollars to you, as far as I can be assured that my share will be safe in your care until I complete my service here, this is no stolen money,and there are no anger involved. please contact me as soon as possible my only way of communication email. Contact me with the below email address ASAP:

[email protected]

God Bless

Sgt. Gregory Philips


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One response to “Email Scam: Sgt Gregory Philips – American Soldier”

  1. paul mcguinn says:

    I have another email account on aol and i recieved this exact same letter save one difference the so called ‘soldier’ claimed to be a female named amy robinson. i knew instantly that it was a scam and i wrote the idiot back telling he/she/whoever that i knew that they were running a scam!i told them i would be forwarding their email to law enforcement agencies.i used to get these email scams on my other and main email account and each time i told them i knew they were scammers and i,d be forwarding their fraudulant crap to law enforcement web sites and that seems to have stopped the flow of these scam emails to my email accounts!remember folks never,ever give anyone that sends you an email that is obviously a scam any personal or banking info.either delete the email or tell them you know it is a scam and that you will forward the email they sent to law enforcement agencies.it has worked for me so far.if you do respond to them run your antispyware program diagnostic scan just to be sure!your web site ‘scam radar is an excellent site for information on the plethora of email and internet scams going on today!keep up the great work!!!

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