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* yoga teacher private lessons

Tanja Wenzel, Donald More both seeking private yoga classes for their child who will be visiting near you. I found similar info on the web dating to August 2005. These people send emails then checks and try to get you to cash them and send back via wire the excess.


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One response to “yoga teacher private lessons”

  1. I recieved the same thing for math tutoring. They looked me up for tutoring. CRAZY!!!! Here’s what I have.

    On Tue, 9/9/08, Tanja Wenzel wrote:

    From: Tanja Wenzel
    Subject: Payment And Lesson Arrangements
    To: “reshunda henderson”
    Date: Tuesday, September 9, 2008, 3:55 PM

    Hello Reshunda,

    Thank you for your response for a Maths teacher for my daughter. I am really sorry for getting back to you this late i have been working offshore since i sent you the e-mail.My daughter’s name is jane and she is 17 years of age, she reads and understand English really good. She developed love for Engineering. thus this lesson would keep her busy and refresh her before she starts her schooling with Oxford University.

    Please be informed that, my daughter is a fast learner and you would teach her from the elementary stage, she would be having 8 weeks, 4 times a week which should run for 2 hour’s on every class(please let know the total rates for the above specified times of lesson and what days of the weeks would be suitable for you). I would be making arrangements with my PA to issue and make the payment to you in form of cashiers check or money order, which ever one you prefer. My daughter is due to be in US for her holidays and lesson in less than 3 weeks which is just round the corner and i want her to begin lessons on the 25th of September and so there is limited time. As soon as i have your full name and address including your contact number to which the payment would be issued and sent to, i would immediately pass it to my PA who would immediately issue and send the payment to you. I await your urgent response to these.


    Mr Tanja Wenzel…

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